Home Breakups 3 Ways to Practice Self-Care After a Breakup

3 Ways to Practice Self-Care After a Breakup

3 Ways to Practice Self-Care After a Breakup

Whether one sided or amicable, experiencing a breakup can bring out many different emotions. Depending on the situation, you may find yourself feeling sad, hurt, angry, or possibly even relieved. Regardless, the days to come post-breakup provide you with a great opportunity to work on yourself.

In light of Self-Improvement Month, celebrated each September, we’re sharing a few tips on how to practice self-care and put yourself first now that your ex is no longer in the picture. After all, the most important relationship you can have is the one with yourself!

Make Time for You

When you’re in a relationship, you tend to put your significant other’s needs before your own. It’s possible you may even let yourself go in an effort to ensure you’re focusing all the attention and energy necessary on them. Once you’re single, you can utilize this newfound time and energy and invest in yourself. Whether it’s participating in an activity like yoga to benefit your mental state, or addressing your physical appearance by treating those relationship wrinkles you’ve likely gained with a prescription anti-aging cream or face mask; making small changes to your routine is a great way to occupy your mind and feel renewed, especially post-breakup.

Reconnect With Loved Ones

Being in a relationship can be isolating at times and may cause you to lose touch with even your closest friends and family members. Part of the healing process after a breakup often times includes rekindling relationships with those you may have disconnected with.

Not only is spending time with those who bring love and positivity to your life enjoyable, but it can be beneficial both mentally and physically as well. It’s natural to feel a sense of guilt for neglecting relationships with your loved ones, but true friends and family members will be understanding and will welcome you back into their lives with open arms.

Remind Yourself You’ve Got This

When you’re just coming out of a relationship, especially one that was long-term, it’s normal to feel completely alone. You will have good days and not so great days, but at the end of the day, you must remind yourself how strong you truly are.

Don’t allow your previous relationship or former significant other to define who you are as a person. If you’re struggling to find that inner strength at first, consider reciting some of these daily affirmations, either to yourself our out loud in a mirror. While it sounds silly, you’d be surprised at how encouraging this can be! They say time heals all wounds but you have the power to speed up the process if you just keep believing in yourself!

Like the song says, “breaking up is hard to do,” but if you learn to find the silver lining, you’ll be okay. Think of this time as an opportunity to work on you and getting back to the person you were prior to the relationship. Shifting your focus and energy to your needs and wants will not only help you to look and feel great but also allow you to nurture the most important relationship of all being the one with yourself.

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