Home 2019 December

Month: December 2019

10 Dating Tips from the Professionals

10 Dating Tips from the Professionals

Dating doesn’t have to be hard. Dating can be a great way to get to know someone. Most people are open to suggestions. The following highlights those dating tips that professionals have provided down through the years. 1. Don’t Fall In Love After the First Date A first date can be a lot of fun....

3 Gifts You Should Give Yourself If You’re Single

3 Gifts You Should Give Yourself If You’re Single

There is a strange dichotomy between love and the holidays. Culturally it feels like the most romantic time of the year. The season is filled with endless Hallmark Movie countdowns, festive lights, and multiple advertisements touting gorgeous families with perfectly plated turkey and decorations. From the bow topped cars in every luxury car commercial to...

Tired of Swiping? You Are Not Alone

Tired of Swiping? You Are Not Alone

Are you sick of online dating? As everything in our modern lives becomes more digital, so do our dating habits. The online dating culture of swiping, clicking and liking has become a natural part of the modern dating scene in the last decade. But even though there is an endless stream of people, profiles and...