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Category: Single Women

7 Indicators That You Will You Find Love

7 Indicators That You Will You Find Love

So you’ve been single for months, maybe years, and you are starting to wonder… “Will I ever find love?” Sure, there are days where you don’t really think about it… days when being single doesn’t bother you much. But other days – it really bothers you. Like whenever you watch a sappy romantic drama or...

Why Men Love ‘Bad’ Bitches

Why Men Love ‘Bad’ Bitches

The term ‘bad’ when it precedes the word ‘bitch’ changes the definition entirely. To younger generations being a ‘bad bitch’ is a badge of honor. But before we were aspiring to be bad, the dating world was turned upside down when author, Sherry Argov, suggested that women should be bitches at all. As she defines...

If You Want a Man, Is it Okay to Pursue Him?

If You Want a Man, Is it Okay to Pursue Him?

Most single adults are really good at dating. So much so, that they are failing to enter into committed relationships. What was once seen as a precursor to marriage, dating is now its own activity, that for many singles has yet to lead anywhere. Blame Tinder, and the ‘hook up’ culture, but the reality is...