Home Motivation MondayMotivation It’s Time To Release Your Anger

It’s Time To Release Your Anger

It’s Time To Release Your Anger

Anger is a cheap emotion.

Have you ever tried to take a toy away from a baby? What about an animal? It’s obvious to see how angry they become and how readily they express it.

We have been conditioned since a very small age that it’s okay to be angry and even more natural to express anger. What we were never taught was how to release it.

The truth is, you don’t have to be angry.

Many people believe that anger is their right, they should be angry.

Whether the world has done you wrong or you’ve been treated unfairly in life is of no matter. We choose anger. We choose to have a deliberate gripe against our jobs, our families, and the opposite sex. Men who hate women have a hard time attracting them because their negative energy is blocking their masculine energy.

Women who hate men can’t attract the right men because their negative energy is blocking their softness and the feminine energy that makes them womanly. When you choose to hold on to anger it’s impossible to appreciate the beauty and joy in life and other people.

Our anger keeps our gratitude at bay and happiness even further beyond our reach.

I call anger cheap because it takes no effort to be angry. Anyone can be angry and most people are. It takes calm and determination to be happy. It takes a sensible mind to decide that what other people doesn’t affect you. No one can stir up negative emotions or cause you to react.

When you choose not to be angry you’re embracing what’s good about your life instead of entertaining the bad. It’s a conscious choice to feel how you want to feel, instead of how someone else has made you feel.

Release your anger by asking yourself what are you so mad about and why? Choose not to let what others do impact how you feel and more importantly how you behave.

Choose to only feel what will bring out the best in you, not the worst. It might seem unrealistic to never get angry but it’s no different than maintaining a healthy diet. You are the guardian of your thoughts. Release your anger.

Let that negative feeling go by reminding yourself how easy and common that emotion is. How you feel is completely up to you, choose happiness instead.

I hope this was helpful.


Miss Solomon

Dating expert. Marketing aficionado. Lover of people. Miss Solomon has a passion for writing about love, creating love strategies and mastering self- love. She's the founder of this site.