Becoming an escort can be an extremely easy thing to do. There are websites all over the internet that will let you post your ads to list your escorts. One search will get you enough business to become a Melbourne escort and bring in a decent amount of money. That doesn’t mean you’ll be a good escort, though. If you really want to make it as an escort, you’ll need to know the things that most other women overlook. Here are 9 of the most important things to note to become a good escort.
1. You’re Not Just a Prostitute
The biggest thing that you need to realize is that an escort is not the same thing as a prostitute. A prostitute is a woman that gets paid to have sex. An escort is a woman that gets paid for her time. Yes, they have sex, but there’s a lot more to it than that.
2. Personality Always Matters
Since you’re being paid for your time, you have to have a real personality. You have to be able to carry on a conversation. You have to be enjoyable to be around or you won’t get much business.
3. You Have to Carry on Conversations
You’ll also need to know a little about a lot of different things. You’ll be expected to carry on a conversation with the person paying you. They’ll want to talk about their lives at dinner before you head back to their bedrooms.
4. You Have to Listen
Most importantly, you’re going to have to be able to listen. That might just be your most important asset. The people who hire you are doing it because they typically don’t have anyone else to listen to them. That’s where you come in and the better you listen, the more repeat business you’ll have.
5. You have to be Adventurous
None of this is to say that the sex is secondary. You’re going to be having a lot of it. You need to be the person that these men come to when they want something they can’t get at home. That includes fetish sex.
6. Anyone can be an Escort
A lot of women think that they need a certain body type to become an escort. That’s just not the case. It doesn’t matter what you look like. There’s always going to be someone out there who wants you.
7. You’ll provide the Spice
You won’t always just be dealing with one person. There are couples all over the world who decide to bring an escort into the bedroom to spice up their sex lives. That’s where you get to come in.
8. You can do it Alone
Don’t waste any time thinking that you need someone to run your business for you. You’re more than capable to doing it yourself. You won’t need the equivalent of a pimp to get the people to your door. All you need is an internet connection.
9. Friends keep you Safe
It’s never a bad idea to have a safety call after all of your appointments. Just have someone who’s waiting for a text from you. Let them know when you’re finished and you’ll be off to your next appointment safely.
Try it for yourself
Those are the most important things to keep in mind to being a good escort. Now all you have to do is go out and try it for yourself. Anyone can be an escort. If you’ve been thinking about it, then there’s never been a better time to try it than now. See if it’s really for you and start your business today.