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Author: Ender Morrissey (Ender Morrissey)

The Worst Trend in Dating Advice Right Now

The Worst Trend in Dating Advice Right Now

Dating remains one of the most complex inventions in human history. While the concept is widely known among adults, few have been formally taught its mechanics. Despite the repeated regurgitation of advice, modern society often gravitates towards the latest trends, without fail. The latest trend scapegoats women for their single status through the concept of...

The Right Way to Date in a Post Pandemic Era

The Right Way to Date in a Post Pandemic Era

It’s embarrassing to think that anyone would deny themselves a healthy loving relationship but if you are dating casually, that’s exactly what you’re doing. There isn’t a dating expert who hasn’t at some point echoed the cliché dating is a numbers game.  How are you going to meet the right person unless you are willing...

The Right Way to Ask a Woman On a Date

The Right Way to Ask a Woman On a Date

“Right now, you are knowing who you are at depth or you are avoiding it. You are relaxing and embodying your soul’s purpose on earth or you are resisting your calling.” – David Deida Men have never been held to a high standard for self-awareness. The messages that most men receive about how to be...

How To Increase Your Chemistry With Any Woman

How To Increase Your Chemistry With Any Woman

Are you looking for some practical ways to spice up your romantic dates? Maybe you want to improve your relationship with your girlfriend, or, perhaps, you simply need to make a good impression with a new potential partner. Back then, I tried to do this by merely dressing well. However, one day realized that apart...

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