Home 2021

Year: 2021

5 Ways to Improve Your Sexual Performance

5 Ways to Improve Your Sexual Performance

You’re massively fortunate to be living in an era that continues to play host to such exciting medical and supplement breakthroughs. It seems like every week there’s a new series of headlines excitedly dancing across people’s social media ads regarding the latest organic male enhancement product that can deliver crazy benefits like an increased volume...

3 Secrets for a Successful First Date

3 Secrets for a Successful First Date

Dating can be hard even at the best of times, let alone after a lockdown. Let’s be honest, meeting someone for the first time at a two-meter distance, bundled up in fifty layers (because guess what? It’s a park date again), is definitely not a vibe. At least, not the sexy aura you want to...

How Men Can Get Ready for the Post-COVID Dating Scene

How Men Can Get Ready for the Post-COVID Dating Scene

The time of the Coronavirus has been a tumultuous and downright nightmarish affair. Virtual dating has become prevalent during this time, and actual physical hookups devolved into nothing more than bitter memories. But alas, all of that time of profound pent-up sexual frustration has finally given way to the post-quarantine summer, which brings with it...