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Category: Dating Advice

9 Killer Dating Tips For Shy Guys

9 Killer Dating Tips For Shy Guys

Is it possible to date as a shy guy? Let me tell you that I am also a shy guy. And I know it is very difficult for people like me who are shy to approach a girl. Dating word was intimidating for me. But my friends gave me some very useful tips about dating...

Can You Find Love This Year?

Can You Find Love This Year?

How Do You Find Love Before The Year Ends? Dating isn’t what it used to be. There was a time when single adults valued actually getting to know one another. The thought of being exclusive didn’t seem scary, and marriage wasn’t the step right after commitment. Today, singles over index what it means to be...

If Women Did This, They Would Find Love Faster

If Women Did This, They Would Find Love Faster

If women did this ‘One’ thing it would change their dating lives forever. I heard someone say that in a time of war, what value does a book have? We hear terms like worth, and value, often and almost interchangeably when it comes to dating. Wanting to be valued, and feel valued, are almost a...


Do This If You Want To Get Into A Relationship

Dating doesn’t lead to relationships. Casual dating is a fairly new concept. It wasn’t until the introduction of online dating in the 90s that adults felt comfortable meeting up with a complete stranger. Almost every date that took place before this time was between two people who had some type of relationship even if they...