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Category: Love Advice

Most People Can’t Find Love And Here’s Why

Most People Can’t Find Love And Here’s Why

Can’t find love? There are less adults in relationships today than in decades past. There are fewer new marriages today than decades past. For the first time ever the single adult population is larger than the married population. And even more alarming, less people are coupled than ever. So if you think that finding love...

7 Indicators That You Will You Find Love

7 Indicators That You Will You Find Love

So you’ve been single for months, maybe years, and you are starting to wonder… “Will I ever find love?” Sure, there are days where you don’t really think about it… days when being single doesn’t bother you much. But other days – it really bothers you. Like whenever you watch a sappy romantic drama or...

3 Heart Melting Phrases That Make A Man Fall For You

3 Heart Melting Phrases That Make A Man Fall For You

These days you can’t read any dating advice for women that doesn’t include the word feminine. Somewhere between the last few decades, and the present, women have seemingly forgotten how to be soft, vulnerable and most importantly filled to their ears with femininity. The argument being; a man can’t truly be a man if you’re...