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Category: How – To

How To Practice Safe Text

How To Practice Safe Text

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.  That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.  ~Ernest Hemingway I have never had sext in my life. I’ve thought about it but then shuttered at the thought of pictures of my body parts in the hands of others. I of course, have shared pictures...


How To Be More Interesting Instantly

Be interesting, be enthusiastic… and don’t talk too much. Norman Vincent Peale As a dating expert I’d say the most important element of dating is being likeable. When you are likeable others want to A. get to know you and B. date you. Where many singles fail in their approach or attempts to secure dates...


How To Sell Yourself When You’re Single

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect.”- William Clement Stone Dating is selling. There is no doubt about that. You’re selling trust, desire, stability, adventure, change, love and everything in between. When you’re positioning yourself on the market, you have to know what makes you special and...