What to Do When He Doesn’t Call

Waiting for the man that you’re interested in to call can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences in dating.

It has been the Achilles’ heel for women everywhere since the dawn of time.

Men know this; they inherently understand that a woman who is interested in them wants them to call. Yet, somehow, there always seems to be a woman somewhere waiting for that call.

Countless articles detail what to do from the moment you haven’t heard from the guy you’re dating. There are step-by-step instructions, even on this very website, outlining what should be done if you’re waiting for a man to call, or worse, to call you back.

The advice that, until now, hasn’t been on this website or any other for that matter is the ONLY advice you need to hear. It’s the best advice and the advice that will save your sanity.

If the man you’re dating or interested in hasn’t called, and you assume he hasn’t died, then the best thing for you to do is—drum roll, please—nothing.

I know it seems impractical and even counterintuitive, but it’s an understated truth in dating and the dating process as a whole. When the person you like disrespects you—which not calling is, a pure act of disrespect—you are not obligated to react.

In fact, you should do nothing, and more importantly, you should move on.

No one has the right to keep you on ice; it violates the tenets of a healthy relationship. Communication matters. Engagement matters. If someone you’re interested in or have been actively dating decides to ignore you or not communicate with you for a day or more, then your next course of action should be to stop dating them.

It might seem harsh, but the reality is that most women stay in relationships far too long. They sit at the table long after what they want is being served, accepting less and less until they end up with nothing at all.

There is no going back from someone who thinks ignoring you is acceptable. Furthermore, your connection should be one that a man who likes you couldn’t and wouldn’t want to go a day without speaking to you. And this is typically when the excuses start to roll in.

But making excuses is doing something when the goal here is, in fact, to do nothing. Don’t think about it, don’t obsess over it, and don’t worry about it.

While it might hurt your feelings, or you might be confused about the behavior, what isn’t confusing is that you are not getting what you need.

The moment a man doesn’t give you what you need, you should consider leaving him behind.

Does this sound like it goes against the ‘rules’? Remember, there are no rules when it comes to dating. You should only do what works, and stressing about a man who isn’t thinking about you does not work.

If a man isn’t contacting you, this isn’t your cue to work harder for his affection. It’s a clear sign that the breakdown in communication means that he isn’t that into you. Moving on to someone who can’t sleep at night without hearing your voice, if that’s what you want, is the best thing you can do.

Making excuses of any kind, is the worst. You’ll never be happy with excuses, only actions.

Staff Writer

Staff writers are a creative collective of coaches, and experts who share their insights and research on dating and relationships to match the tone and voice of The Dating Truth.

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