How To Have A Thought Provoking Conversation

  Recently I published a post on what I think it takes to make someone like you. You must make them think, make them laugh and make them want to sleep with you. Whether you find all three difficult to accomplish or are struggling with just one, here is my advice for making yourself seem thought provoking, how to make your date think. No matter where you might be its possible that you and a stranger will engage in conversation. As creatures of habits the conversation is likely to start off like many conversations that you’ve had before. You tell...

3 Easy Steps To Being An Instant Pickup Artist

I wrote a guest post for the site, that I’m very excited about. Not only is it my first guest post but it’s the first work I’ve done shedding light on my recent discovery of what it means to be a female pick-up artist. Is that what I am? I’m still not a hundred percent sure. What I do know is that I am highly successful with men. Traditionally being a PUA is all about technique but I’m going to share a few easy steps that anyone can employ right now to instantly improve their pickup game. Be Brave...

The One Thing Single Men Should Never Assume

We all know what they say about assumptions yet in dating single men and women make them all of the time. In few instances are assumptions ever accurate. They create false perceptions and they negatively influence our interactions. One of the biggest misconceptions and the most damaging come from single men when they assume that talking to a woman equates to hitting on a woman and it doesn’t. I know it’s difficult to approach a woman but once you do there is one more step in the interaction and its intent. It may seem crazy but I never assume that...

How To Avoid The Fear Of Having To Settle

How To Avoid The Fear Of Having To Settle

One of my biggest fears in dating used to be settling. Every man and woman at some point in their singlehood has settled. It probably sucked which is why so many of us fear that it will happen to us again. For those who are fuzzy on the definition, settling is basically dating someone who you intrinsically feel is less than you originally desired. It’s not necessarily about looks, status or personal circumstance at all. What I consider the true test of whether you’ve settled is simply feeling like you could do better. If you are looking for the right...