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Category: Dating Advice

3 Lies Single People Need to Stop Telling

3 Lies Single People Need to Stop Telling

In today’s dating world there is little to no excuse to be single, if you’re really looking for a relationship. We have long been living in the age of information but with the overabundance of dating apps, there isn’t a single adult the right age, sex, race, etc. that you can’t meet if you just...

What Women Really Want From Men But Can Never Say

What Women Really Want From Men But Can Never Say

What do women want? Everyone seems to want to know the answer but what happens once they do? The question has been rhetorically posed by thought leaders in every industry from philosophers to psychologist, poets to scholars, and everyone in between. The desires of women, real or manufactured, has driven the course of advertising for...

5 Qualities Most People Look for When Dating

5 Qualities Most People Look for When Dating

If you’ve been single for a while, you may be starting to wonder why. While being single can be freeing, many people crave the companionship at the end of the day. How can you make your dating profile look more desirable? Your latest selfie probably won’t do the trick, but these five things are considered...