Home Dating Find A Partner Through the Best Herpes Dating Sites

Find A Partner Through the Best Herpes Dating Sites

Find A Partner Through the Best Herpes Dating Sites

I was looking a little into what dating must be like for individuals who have a flaw. A physical flaw. A disease. When I say flaw, I don’t mean to point it out like a major blotch of ink into the clean paper that’s our life! I mean that a flaw is something that everybody has. There is no human who doesn’t have flaws and it doesn’t make them any less human! Very few of us know how difficult and challenging it is to living people with Herpes.

It is shattering initially when you first realize that you have to live with it for the rest of your life and there’s no way you can escape it. It takes a long time for people to overcome that initial phase of denial and acceptance, all coming in turns. But once you embrace the fact that you don’t become any less than everyone else because of this disease, and that you can still live a normal life if you just look at life the way you used to before, there’s no turning back. You emerge with a strength you never had before.

So, coming back to my point. When I thought about these people (who comprise almost 400 million out of the total population and 60 million in America alone), all I could think of was, “Everyone looks at them with a different eye. Could they ever find love in this cruel world? They obviously deserve to, but is there anyone or anything that’s promoting them to look for their soulmate?” And then when I started doing some research, I came across this site called genitalherpesdatingsites.info. This site is completely devoted to intensive information about Herpes and life with this disease. They especially focus on the dating part of individuals with this life.

  • They make listings of dating sites that offer dating services for Herpes singles. The listings contain all necessary information and working of those sites. They also contain recommendations as to which one is the best among all of the listed ones. What I figured from this was that they truly want to help.


  • Next in line were the listings of gift items that you can give to your loved ones. Although almost completely dedicated to dating services for the Herpes singles, they also take a break and make listings of these general ideas and DIYs. This is another great initiative because you are reminded that these people aren’t different or someone that needs to be treated differently. They can enjoy simple things in life like everyone else. This is a very important and well-thought part of this website. To include general articles that apply to all. So that not just a single type of crowd, but everyone can come into this website and learn about this lesser-known struggle, as well as just enjoy looking at the articles and listings.
  • They have a personalized dating service too. Like a regular dating app, this one takes the personal details of its users and creates a profile of the user with this information. Then they can be matched with people who have similar interests as they do. They can also filter matches by specifying what they’re looking for. They have a decent number of users and are doing well in the dating industry.
  • Although their platform doesn’t offer too many features or isn’t that fancy, they have a clean and simple approach that attracts users to this site. The site has a calming vibe about it. They show pictures and slides and texts that are dedicated to those special ones they’re aimed for. And it’s not like it is not pleasing for our eyes. I was instantly taken into a place of calm when I opened this site. Maybe this is what they were targeting. Well, kudos to them for achieving that.

Overall experience, as you people can obviously tell, was great. I was impressed to see a website completely dedicated to Herpes singles. They have covered a great deal of information and jammed them cleanly into one site, and I was really thrilled to see that. Would be hoping to get more listings and articles from the site!

James Bond

Content writer and Digital marketer @ hsvbuddies.com