The Best Texts to Send When a Guy Goes Silent

It’s a very common scenario: you’re chatting with a guy via text, and then he suddenly goes ghost. Up until this point, he was fairly communicative.

His level of interest was obvious, and you assumed that another date or meet-up suggestion was just around the proverbial corner. Except now he’s radio silent, and what seemed like cute banter has turned completely one-sided.

You want him to text back, but you don’t want to come across as desperate, so what should you do?

This situation is common for many women because they’ve been convinced that men just ‘aren’t good communicators.’ Whether this label still holds true in this century, you can’t ignore that you aren’t getting the attention you deserve or require, and you feel some kind of way about it.

As you should.

If this man is actually interested but has proven to be a lazy texter, it’s not the worst thing in the world to give him a prompt. Let’s assume this isn’t a case where you just aren’t getting the hint. Let’s assume his level of interest is high, but for whatever reason, his communication has waned.

If you really want a response from this guy, and you don’t want to come across as desperate, these tips are just what you need to pique his interest once more.

The Best Texts to Send for an Immediate Response

Send a photo of a location, “Have you been?”

The reason this works well is that it has a very clear call to action.

The question is obvious, and the intent is ambiguous. Are you genuinely asking because he’s a cultured king with great taste in activities? Are you asking to be flirtatious? He can’t be sure, but chances are, because he’s a man and wants to come across as someone who knows things, he’ll respond.

Send a photo of you and a friend, “Look who I ran into!”

The reason this works well is because it’s confusing.

It doesn’t matter if he knows the person in the photo or not; he’s likely to respond with confusion. If his tone seems less flirtatious, just respond, ‘Oops, wrong person.’

You’ve still opened the doors of communication without coming across as needy. You have given yourself a way out, but you can tell by his tone (hopefully) if he is happy to hear from you or not.

Send a confusing question:

  • ‘Am I crazy, or is your birthday this week?’
  • ‘Did you tell me Snoop Dogg was your favorite artist, or am I confused?’
  • ‘Did you have a work trip this week, or is that someone else?’

The last one is a little spicy because it seems that you’ve confused him with some other guy.

This also sends the message that you were interested in him but didn’t quite listen to everything he had to say. The reason these texts work is because they are really easy to backtrack. It’s not obvious that the texts were for him, and you can always say they weren’t.

Oops, my bad.

    The one truth to remember about men is that they aren’t as dumb and hapless as the PR machine makes them out to be. They know exactly how to get the woman that they want. They love a chase, and they are as curious as a cat when it comes to women. Whether or not he is secretly in love with you or couldn’t care less, he’s still a man who loves attention.

    Knowing that he might be on your mind will urge him to respond if there is at least a modicum of interest. Men can’t resist a mystery, and sending these seemingly random texts is just that: mysterious.

    Staff Writer

    Staff writers are a creative collective of coaches, and experts who share their insights and research on dating and relationships to match the tone and voice of The Dating Truth.

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