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How to Find The Right Romantic Partner 

How to Find The Right Romantic Partner 

The practice of traditional dating sustained a devastating blow during the pandemic. What most singles realized is that being alone was expensive, lonely, and at times overwhelming. Trying to balance work and pleasure, while simultaneously making time for self-care became an almost unmanageable task for most singles.  What many predicted would be an influx in...

Are You Dating A Time Waster?

Are You Dating A Time Waster?

Dating is difficult, no matter how much you think you know. The biggest challenge is knowing if the relationship is heading anywhere or if you’re wasting your time. It’s The Dating Truth belief that ALL dating is a waste of time if you want a relationship. It is very difficult to date without intention and...

5 Things That Will Impress Any Woman

5 Things That Will Impress Any Woman

To say that women are easily impressed in dating is an understatement. It might seem like the guy who gets the girl is the one with the flashy car, or the swagged out attitude, or the six pack stomach but in reality this isn’t the case. Women want a guy who simply pays attention. This...

5 Signs Your Relationship is Healthy

5 Signs Your Relationship is Healthy

Not all relationships are good relationships. Unfortunately, many single adults are forced to believe that ANY relationship after being single for a significant amount of time is better than nothing. As a single person the message that a relationship will make you happier than being single is heavily reinforced in society. The emptiness some people...