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Category: Dating

How To Avoid The Fear Of Having To Settle

How To Avoid The Fear Of Having To Settle

One of my biggest fears in dating used to be settling. Every man and woman at some point in their singlehood has settled. It probably sucked which is why so many of us fear that it will happen to us again. For those who are fuzzy on the definition, settling is basically dating someone who...


Am I Sending The Right Vibes In Dating?

What Does It Take To Be Desired In Dating? There are three keys to creating chemistry: making someone laugh, making someone think and of course making them a little horny. This is the ideal recipe for what I call successful dating. If you can manage to inspire all three feelings at once, I guarantee you will have...


Don’t Waste Your Time With Useless Conversations

What most single men and women really hate about dating are the negative feelings associated with approaching strangers. Judgment, embarrassment, rejection, shame, awkwardness, nervousness are just a few of the feelings that men and women frantically avoid. These feelings are why many singles absolutely detest having to approach anyone.For a woman approaching a man it...

Why You’re Not The Only Person That Needs Dating Advice

Why You’re Not The Only Person That Needs Dating Advice

If I’m anything, it’s self-aware. When you share your ideas with the world as many bloggers do, a decision must be made about how personal your posts will be. Foolishly, I thought I could get away with giving useful advice, my personal life aside. Even more misguided I was certain that my authority would be...