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Category: Sex + Sexuality

Signs Your F*ckbuddy Is Falling For You

Signs Your F*ckbuddy Is Falling For You

If you are someone who has their f*ckbuddy for the sole purpose of fucking, acknowledging that he/she might have feelings for you can be extremely scary. On the one hand, you don’t want it to be true because you enjoy having sex with him/her. On the other hand, if you aren’t a monster, you don’t...

Why Sex and Sports Make A Better Mix Than You Think

Why Sex and Sports Make A Better Mix Than You Think

Have you ever thought about the connection between libido and fitness? There is an opinion that spending an insane amount of energy on physical exercises, we strengthen the muscles but prevent full sexual intimacy because our bodies simply don’t have resources on it. We should figure out whether this is really so. Naked truth Numerous...

7 Ways to Improve Foreplay With Your Partner

7 Ways to Improve Foreplay With Your Partner

Let’s face it, this is the 21st Century and well, everyone is starting to become more sexually curious and ready to try new things and enjoy life. That includes exploring the boundaries of sex, which is a common factor of life fulfillment. It’s not a bad thing. Today, we are more open with our sexuality...