Old Dating Rules That All Singles Should Live By

Old Dating Rules That All Singles Should Live By

In my mind I have a picture of the type of man I’m looking for. He’s tall, fit and resembles Morris Chestnut ‘Brothers’ to ‘Two can play that game’ era. He’s smart, he’s not a millionaire, he doesn’t have to be all that funny but he’s fun, he’s supportive and he’s fine. Apparently that has been too much to ask. When we can’t find what we think we are looking for questions start to surface to if we even deserve it. I hear so much rhetoric about what singles have to bring to the table. There is so much talk...

Two Easy Phrases To Become An Instant Pickup Artist

In the pick-up artist language ‘day game’ is defined as the ability to successfully hit on/ pick-up a woman during the day. You can measure your success depending on if you get a woman’s phone number or if you are able to create an instant date out of the moment. Say you meet a woman at a book store, if she agrees to grab a cup of coffee with you in a near by Starbucks, that’s successful ‘day game’. Women can also execute skilled ‘day game’ by approaching a man then getting him to take over the flirtation by asking...

Why Being Counterintuitive Overcomes Shyness

If you’re a single adult living in the 21st century, you can not afford to be shy. Like a warm wool blanket single men and women drape their anti-social behavior in the cloak of shyness and all other singles are asked to adjust. We are all a little self-conscious when it comes to meeting new people but if you’re single you can ill afford to miss any opportunities for a date. That means pushing past any limitations that might have hindered your dating life. Counterintuitive behavior, if shyness has plagued you, might be the solution for getting more dates. If...

3 Techniques To Avoid Having Another Boring Conversation

The biggest challenge single men and women face when meeting new people is maintaining their ability to carry on an interesting conversation. I find that even the most fascinating people can sometimes lose their way to nerves when trying to impress someone new. It isn’t easy to sound intelligent, witty and flirtatious when you’re worried about what this potential date thinks about you. Especially once they become more receptive to what you have to say, all of a sudden you can’t think of anything poignant or funny. The moment that lull hits the conversation you’re suddenly at risk of losing...